Ciné-marquise I

SUBMISSIONS NOW OPEN / Deadline: February 15, 2025

Capture the architectural and cultural beauty of movie theater facades around the world in a single, uninterrupted 7-minute take. This project pays homage to the origins of cinema, commemorating the first public screening on December 28, 1895, in Paris. Share your unique perspective on these iconic spaces, contribute to their preservation and their cultural legacy.

View our Cinema Marquees on Labocine.

Submission Process

  • Submit your Cinema Marquee Proposal via the Labocine Scene Submission Form. We will then get back with more information. Specify if possible your estimated production/submission.

  • Re-submit using the same Scene Submission Form your final film and send us a link to download file (specs: 1080, H264).

Guidelines for Filming

  1. Duration:

    • Each submission must be a continuous, unedited 7-minute shot.

  2. Camera Setup:

    • Use a tripod for stability or ensure the camera remains completely still if handheld. Stability is essential to maintain the integrity of the static shot.

  3. Framing:

    • Frame the full facade of the cinema, ensuring the entire architectural structure is visible within the composition.

  4. Focus:

    • Keep the focus on the facade, as a single frame, no pans, zooms, or movements.

  5. Sound:

    • Keep camera sound. Ambient sounds of the location. No adding any external music or soundtracks.

  6. Format:

    • Submit the video in high-resolution formats (HD or 4K recommended).

  7. Post

    • No post-production apart from selecting 7 continuous minutes at 24, 25 or 30fps. No text overlay during, before or after. The first image and last image should show the cinema marquee.

Celebrate the global diversity of cinemas and their timeless role as cultural landmarks. Your scene will become part of a collective tribute to the legacy of the 7th art.

Alexis Gambis

filmmaker, scientist and cat lover

Submit to Festival XVIII


Symbiosis XI